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2015-09-21 01:00
2015-09-21 01:00
2015-09-21 01:00
The Tunnel to Virtual Reality: Goddess Takeover
2015-09-21 01:00
2015-09-21 01:00
<p>Virtual reality. </p> <p>We all hope that one day we could live inside a video game, no? Well what if that actually happens.</p> <p>No not like sword art online, or Log horizon…… though it’s close. Maybe .hack…. then again I’ve only heard about it. Really don’t know much about it.</p> <p>(Done ranting) Back to the story, welcome to the Isles of Mitoria. A recent virtual reality video game that instantly became famous. Though no one would have ever expected that a certain god would steal the game (ahem me) and actually turn it into a new world filled with danger and adventure. </p> <p>My name is Pandora, and I welcome you adventurer to my new world…….</p> <p>A girl with silver hair can be seen in front of the goddess cowering. Towards her Pandora sneered,</p> <p>“Except for you. I need you for something else.” ______________________________________________________________ Welp i already have the tags. If you don’t like genderbenders well then it won’t really matter. I mean I’m not going to drag it towards the entire story every time and say I AM NOW A GIRL or another character saying YOU ARE NOW A GIRL…. I mean that would be annoying as hell…. ok maybe a little in the beginning BUT THAT’S NOT THE POINT. the point is this is a little something I want to try so people JUDGE ME AND TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO IMPROVE. THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS HATERS. Just critiques. Without further adooo enjoy.</p> <p>P.S. I don’t know how to right adult content so I’m probably not gona add that. Probably. If i do add it. It’s probably gona be ackward so please no judge me on that TT.TT __________________________________ kinda stuck on how to summarize this story so As i write i’m probably going to be editing the front several times lol.</p>
2015-09-21 01:00
2015-09-21 01:00
<p>Virtual reality. </p> <p>We all hope that one day we could live inside a video game, no? Well what if that actually happens.</p> <p>No not like sword art online, or Log horizon…… though it's close. Maybe .hack…. then again I've only heard about it. Really don't know much about it.</p> <p>(Done ranting) Back to the story, welcome to the Isles of Mitoria. A recent virtual reality video game that instantly became famous. Though no one would have ever expected that a certain god would steal the game (ahem me) and actually turn it into a new world filled with danger and adventure. </p> <p>My name is Pandora, and I welcome you adventurer to my new world…….</p> <p>A girl with silver hair can be seen in front of the goddess cowering. Towards her Pandora sneered,</p> <p>"Except for you. I need you for something else." ______________________________________________________________ Welp i already have the tags. If you don't like genderbenders well then it won't really matter. I mean I'm not going to drag it towards the entire story every time and say I AM NOW A GIRL or another character saying YOU ARE NOW A GIRL…. I mean that would be annoying as hell…. ok maybe a little in the beginning BUT THAT'S NOT THE POINT. the point is this is a little something I want to try so people JUDGE ME AND TELL ME WHAT I NEED TO IMPROVE. THERE ARE NO SUCH THINGS AS HATERS. Just critiques. Without further adooo enjoy.</p> <p>P.S. I don't know how to right adult content so I'm probably not gona add that. Probably. If i do add it. It's probably gona be ackward so please no judge me on that TT.TT __________________________________ kinda stuck on how to summarize this story so As i write i'm probably going to be editing the front several times lol.</p>