News Posts

Posted on Tue 2015.10.06

Simple forum added!

I've added a very, very minimal forum to the site, it's available in the navigation sidebar.

It's a extremely minimalist forum, mostly because it's not based on any major existing forums. It's instead python-native (like the rest of the site).

This means it shares the same authentication system as the main site, so you don't need to create another account, which is nice.

In other news, I'm going to be on vacation for about a week starting this Friday (October 9th), so I may not be available to do any feature requests or patching in that interval. This means it's possible the release scraper will crash, and updates will halt for a time, though hopefully it's stable enough at this point that it won't have any such issues.

Posted on Fri 2015.09.11

JapTem added as a content source

FanFic and Original Fiction hosted on JapTem will now update automatically.

The usual filtering (>3 chapters, >2.5 rating) is applied.

Due to limitations of the host (Japtem's site design), I cannot past-date old releases, so all new content has been dumped into the OEL release feed at basically the same time.
Also, JapTem has no tagging infrastructure, so there are no automatically-added tags and/or genres for any of the new items.

Posted on Wed 2015.09.09

WattPad removed.

I have temporarily removed all content that was added from the WattPad metadata extractor.

While I greatly want this site to be able to act as a central "hub" of sorts for web-fiction, without some sort of filtering it just becomes too cluttered to find anything. WLNupdates was started with a focus on web and light novels, and other content that fit within that genre, and the broadening of it's scope may wind up accidentally being it's undoing.

Breadth is the enemy of depth, and if people want a general web and fan-fiction site, the sources for wlnupdates are freely available.

I expect to re-enable the WattPad metadata extractor in the future, but likely with a considerably narrower scope of content which it will retrieve.

Posted on Fri 2015.09.04

Visual Restyle

I've tweaked the overall visual style of the site.

I am, I've come to realize, really really bad at making nice, "modern" looking web sites.

Anyways, I think it's a bit nicer.

Now, I just need to add a forum of some sort.

Posted on Sun 2015.08.30

WattPad is What

WattPad is now a first-class story-source.

I'm in the process of walking their archive, and generating references to all their content of interest.

The current heuristic for determining whether to generate a launch-page for a series is whether it has both more then 100 votes, and more then 3 chapters.