PEACE NO MORE! When the military superpower known as The New Woodland Expanse explodes across the border, teenager Zan Chaplin's hopes of an uneventful life, falls to pieces. While fighting to defend his village from the lifeless husks of the Expanse's soldiers -- raiding golems forged from enchanted wood known as 'automotrons' -- Zan and his adoptive brother Jiehong unearth an ancient structure. Belonging to a legendary Martial Order known as the Shiv Ranger Knights, Zan and his brother enlists themselves and become the new leaders of the old order. Although they gain immense power through the use of the Order's highly advanced technology, it comes at a cost to their bodies and souls. Now, thrust into a war where they struggle to defend themselves and their homeland, all while re-building the ancient order and mastering their mysterious abilities, Zan and Jiehong must contend with threats both old and new if they are going to survive THE ENDLESS WAR!