The Arcane Healer

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Silver Werston was a prodigy. His affinity with the Arcane was so high that he had been judged to have the talent grade A. As the sole heir of the House of Werston, he was also a noble highborn, already at a head start compared to his peers. Everyone was looking forward to the future of this young prodigy.

However, it all changed when he refused to take the most popular Path of Battle Mage. He didn't even take the path of less popular but equally important paths of Alchemist and Artificer. Instead, he obstinately chose to follow the path of a Healer – one of the most unpopular paths chosen by mages. With the existence of powerful healing potions which were instantaneous and easier to produce, the demand for Healers was at the floor.

However, Silver was determined to prove everyonewrong and show the world the real value of a healer.


On a permanent hiatus. Might pick it back some day, but that day is not coming soon.

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Last Update:
927 d, 9 h ago Probably stalled or dropped!
Alternate Names: [edit] [history]
  • The Arcane Healer
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Releases found: 8

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Series Releases:

Latest release - ch. 4.0
View Series Vol Chap Extra Group/Host
The Arcane Healer 4 Battle Healer RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 4 Deciding Paths RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 3 Book of Paths RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 3 Book of Paths RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 2 Killing RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 2 Killing RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 1 First Battle RoyalRoadL
The Arcane Healer 1 First Battle RoyalRoadL